Ohio Sublease Agreement Template

Ohio Sublease Agreement Template

An Ohio sublease agreement is a legal document that allows for a renter ( or “sublessor”) to rent out space, such as an apartment, condo, or house, to another renter (or “sublessee”). A sublease is a separate agreement from the lease signed by the original renter and landlord.

A sublease agreement is legally binding and includes the terms and conditions under which the secondary renter can live on the property. No laws cover subletting in Ohio, so a tenant can technically sublet without permission.

However, it’s a good idea for them to obtain permission from their landlord before entering a sublease. In most cases, the original lease states whether subleases are allowed.

Laws & Requirements

Sublease and Assignment Provision Laws: No.

Security Deposit Obligations: A sublessor must return the subtenant’s security deposit within 30 days of the lease’s end.

Notices: A sublessor must give three days’ notice to pay rent or leave if a subtenant didn’t submit a timely payment. They must also provide 30 days’ written notice if they expect not to renew the sublease or the original lease.

Permission to Sublet

Tax Obligations

Lodging Taxes

In Ohio, if you sublet a property for less than 30 consecutive days, you are typically required to pay a lodging tax. Additionally, various cities and counties may impose their own local occupancy taxes on short-term rentals​.

Tax Rates

The following taxes apply to short-term rentals in Ohio:

Filing Frequency

Sales tax due dates in Ohio depend on your filing frequency: [3]

Making Payments

You must register to pay sales and use tax and local occupancy tax with the Ohio Department of Taxation. You can register online to receive a vendor’s license and instructions on filing your lodging taxes​.

If you host a short-term rental through a platform like Airbnb, the platform might handle tax collection and remittance on your behalf. However, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant tax obligations.


Download an Ohio sublease agreement template as a PDF or Word file below: