Long Form Sample Clauses

Long Form. Observation and Evaluation Procedures. Required Evaluations. Each year the long form evaluation is used, non-provisional employees shall be observed at least two (2) times each year and evaluations shall be completed before May 15 of each year.

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Long Form. (a) For the purpose of evaluation, all employees shall be observed at least twice in the performance of their assigned duties.

Long Form. Except as otherwise provided in B.5.b below, during each school year all employees shall be observed for the purpose of evaluation at least twice in the performance of their assigned duties. Total observation time for each employee for each school year shall be not less than sixty (60) minutes. New employees shall be observed at least once for a total observation time of thirty (30) minutes during the first ninety days of their employment period.

Long Form. If the employment relationship is to be as successful as possible, it is important that the Employer and Employee deal effectively with any problems that may arise. This procedure sets out information on how problems can be raised and worked through. What is an employment relationship problem? It can be anything that xxxxx or may harm the employment relationship, other than problems relating to setting the terms and conditions of employment. Clarify the problem If either the Employer or Employee feels that there may be a problem in the employment relationship, the first step is to check the facts and make sure there really is a problem, and not simply a misunderstanding. Either party might want to discuss a situation with someone else to clarify whether a problem exists, but in doing so they should take care to respect the privacy of other employees and managers, and to protect confidential information belonging to the Employer. For example, the Employee could seek information from: - Friends and family - The Department of Labour on 0800 20 90 20 or on its website at xxx.xxx.xxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx.xxx - Pamphlets/fact sheets from the Department of Labour - Their union (if they are a union member), a lawyer, a community law centre or an employment relations consultant. Discuss the problem If either party considers that there is a problem, it should be raised as soon as possible. This can be done in writing or verbally. Provided the Employee feels comfortable doing so, they should ordinarily raise the problem with their direct manager. Otherwise the problem can be raised with another appropriate manager. A meeting will usually then be arranged where the problem can be discussed. The Employee should feel free to bring a support person with them to the meeting if they wish. The parties will then try to establish the facts of the problem and discuss possible solutions. The Next Steps If the parties are not able to resolve the problem by talking to each other, a number of options exist: - Either party can contact the Department of Labour, who can provide information and/or refer the parties to mediation., - Depending on the nature of the problem, the issues involved may also be ones that the Labour Inspectors employed by the Department of Labour can assist with, i.e. minimum statutory entitlements such as holiday, leave or wages provision. - Either party can take part in mediation provided by the Department of Labour (or the parties can agree to get an...

Long Form. Employees will be observed at least twice annually in the performance of their assigned duties for a minimum of sixty (60) minutes prior to the formal evaluation conference, with one (1) observation being no less than thirty (30) minutes in length. Short Form - Evaluation shall include a thirty (30) minute observation during the school year with a written summary. For new employees, the first formal evaluation conference shall be held within the first ninety (90) calendar days of employment. For continuing employees, the formal evaluation conferences shall be held by May 1.

Long Form. The parties contemplate the execution of more formal long form documentation and/or other instruments incorporating the terms of this agreement and containing customary provisions for an agreement of this nature; provided, however, unless and until such long form documentation is executed, the terms of this agreement shall control.

Long Form. For all replacement, post-retirement, and provisional employees and employees with four (4) or less years of experience. Used as employees cycle in and out of the Long and Short Forms.

Long Form. The parties intend to replace this MOU at their earliest convenience with a comprehensive long form agreement, negotiated in good faith and consistent with the terms contained herein. Unless and until such a long-form agreement is entered into by the parties this MOU shall bind the parties in relation to the subject matter herein.

Long Form. If, at any time that the Company or any --------- successor to the Company is a registrant entitled to use a Form S-1 under the Securities Act of 1933 as amended (the "Securities Act") and any other form promulgated after the date of this Agreement applicable in circumstances substantially comparable to that form, regardless of its designation (a "Long Form") to register Common Stock of the Company and any successor to the Company, issued in exchange for the Series A Warrants (the "Registrable Securities"), the Company or its successor receives from a holder or holders of Series A Warrants (the "Warrant Holder" or "Warrant Holders") of more than 51% of the outstanding Registrable Securities a written request that the Company effect a registration with respect to an offering of at least 50% of its outstanding Registrable Securities, the Company shall: (i) within ten (10) days, give written notice of the proposed registration to all Warrant Holders and (ii) as soon as practicable, but in any event within one hundred twenty (120) days after receipt of the request of the Warrant Holder, use its best efforts to effect such registration of the Registrable Securities of the Warrant Holder together with all or such portion of the Registrable Securities of any other Warrant Holder who has given written notice to the Company within twenty (20) days after receiving such written notice from the Company pursuant to clause (i) above on the Long Form specified in the notice. Such obligation shall include, without limitation, the execution of an undertaking to file post-effective amendments and to effect appropriate registrations or qualifications under applicable blue sky or other state securities laws and appropriate compliance with exemptive regulations issued under the Securities Act and any other governmental requirements or regulations. The Company shall have the right, exercisable one time only, to delay the effectiveness of such request of the Warrant Holders until up to one hundred eighty (180) days after delivery of the request if the Board of Directors of the Company have determined in good faith that such a registration would be seriously detrimental to the Company at such time. No further delays after such one hundred eighty (180) days shall be permitted. The Warrant Holders making the request may withdraw the request during such one hundred eighty (180) day period, in which event such Warrant Holders shall not be deemed to have made the request. The Company .

Long Form. (i) Upon the written request of the Holders, the Company will use its best efforts to cause such of the Registrable Securities as may be requested by the Holders thereof to be registered under the Securities Act as expeditiously as possible. If the Company determines to include shares to be sold by it in any Registration Statement requested pursuant to this Section 4(a), such Registration Statement shall be deemed to have been a registration under Section 3 of this Agreement, and not a registration under this Section 4(a), unless Holders are able to include in such Registration Statement all of the Registrable Securities initially requested for inclusion in such Registration Statement. The Company may postpone for up to 180 days a demand registration under this Section 4(a) if the Board of Directors of the Company reasonably and in good faith determines that such filing would be materially detrimental to the Company or require a disclosure of a material fact that might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company or any plan or proposal by the Company or any of its subsidiaries to engage in any transaction of assets or any merger, consolidation, tender offer, or other significant transaction; provided, however, that the Company may take such action pursuant to this final sentence of this Section 4(a)(i) only one time in any eighteen (18) month period.