Vehicle Downpayment Receipt Template

The Vehicle Downpayment Receipt Template grants the ability to easily set a Buyer’s downpayment as received in writing. The majority of Vehicle Buyers will request a receipt that proves the downpayment as submitted as a matter of caution and good record keeping. As a standard form that can be used from transaction to transaction, this template divides the topics that should be covered by sections that provide labels wherever information is needed. Answer each label with the content it requests to complete this template then finalize it with the Buyer’s authorization.

How To Write In PDF Or Word

Step 1 – Download The Vehicle Downpayment Receipt

Download the Vehicle downpayment using the “Adobe PDF” link or the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link set above these instructions. If desired, you may also preview this file through the sample image then access and save it through the “PDF” and “Word” buttons set beneath it.

Step 2 – Introduce The Dealer Or Seller Of The Vehicle

The Seller or the Party with the right to sell the Vehicle must be identified by “Company Name” at the top of the page. A single text-box in the upper left will accept this Entity Name as you enter it. The “Name” label corresponding to the first blank line seeks to identify the Sale Representative or Vehicle Seller’s first, middle, and last name. Once identified, the Vehicle Seller’s mailing address should be supplied to the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines provided in the header area. The “Phone” number and the “E-mail” address where the Vehicle’s Seller can be contacted are required on the final two blank lines in the header.

Step 3 – Attach The Vehicle Downpayment Material

The “Receipt #” label on this page is set to convey the appropriate document filing information for the submitted downpayment. Furnish it with the formal receipt number assigned to the vehicle’s downpayment. The line attached to the right-hand label “Date” requires the month, calendar day, and year, when the Vehicle Payment received the downpayment, entered on for display.

Step 4 – Report The Down Payer’s Identity

The Consumer submitting the downpayment must be given the credit for this action. Accomplish this by entering his or her full “Name” on the first blank line under the “Buyer’s Information” heading. Support the Consumer’s identity by recording the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” in his or her address to the two empty lines that follow. The line attached to the “Zip Code” label will complete the Consumer’s address once you enter the appropriate postal code. Furnish the “Phone” and “E-Mail” address maintained by the Consumer behind the downpayment on the last two lines in this section.

Step 5 – Document The Automobile’s Details

The section to the right, titled “Vehicle Information,” refers to the subject of the downpayment. On the first available line, report the “Year And Condition” of the concerned vehicle, then continue by recording the vehicle’s “Make,” “Model And Color” where requested. While the above information will allow a general description of the vehicle to be displayed, the next three lines will enable further definition. Present the “License No.” and “VIN” number found in the vehicle’s paperwork on the next two lines then document its “Odometer Reading” on the last line of this section.

Step 6 – Discuss The Vehicle’s Total Price

Several declarations of fact regarding the downpayment must be placed in writing. Thus, locate the statement beginning with “Vehicle Selling Price Is…” then document the full price of the vehicle the submitted downpayment concerns.

Step 7 – Declare The Submission Of The Downpayment

The second declaration made here requires additional information. This statement will confirm the downpayment amount the Vehicle Seller received from the Consumer. Enter this dollar value on the blank line after the dollar sign in the sentence “This Receipt Is For Vehicle…” A second empty line is displayed after the words “…Which Represents.” Input the percentage of the total expected for this vehicle that the submitted downpayment represents on this line.

Step 8 – Credit The Buyer With The Downpayment

The third sentence is also a declaration requiring two pieces of information. Input the full name of the Consumer who has furnished the downpayment on the first blank line after the words “The Downpayment Was Paid…” Finally, produce the exact “Date” when the Consumer successfully delivered to the downpayment to the second blank line.

Step 9 – Identify The Downpayment Method Used

This receipt has identified the Seller, the Consumer, the concerned Vehicle, and its filing method. Additionally, it has set the Consumer action of payment in writing. This receipt will now close by adding more definition to the payment. The checkbox choices beneath the “Payment Method” heading allows this definition to be produced. Thus, if the downpayment was made with a credit card, then locate the first checkbox and select it. Additionally, the “Credit Card No.” should be produced after the label on display. If the downpayment was made with a paper check, the second checkbox should be chosen as the definition for the “Payment Method.” After marking or selecting this checkbox, make sure to also record the ledger number visible on the check to the blank line after the term “Check No. A downpayment made using “Cash” will require the third checkbox selected. If the downpayment cannot be defined as being delivered with a credit card, a physical check, or cash, then select the final checkbox and document the way payment was submitted on the blank line labeled “Other.”

Step 10 – Confirm The Downpayment By Obtaining The Client Signature

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line requires that the Consumer engages in the physical act of signing his or her name. Only the Consumer who has delivered the downpayment to the Vehicle Seller can authorize its delivery by signature. Inform him or her to review this receipt then sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line.

How To Write In Excel

Step 1 – Save The Vehicle Downpayment Receipt Template As An Excel Spreadsheet

The “Excel” version of the template displayed in the sample can be acquired with an “Excel” button presented below it or with the “Microsoft Excel (xlsx)” link following the term “Download” above.

Step 2 – Introduce The Dealership Documenting The Downpayment

The Vehicle Seller or Dealership that has secured the downpayment being recorded should be introduced at the beginning of the spreadsheet by uploading an image file with the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s logo to cell A1. Cell A2 and A3 will continue our identification process as they are reserved to receive entries of the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s “Company Name” (in cell A2) as well as the Sales Person or Vehicle Seller’s “Name” (in cell A3). The “Street Address” label on display in cell A4 calls for some of the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s address information. Input the building number, the street or the road name, and the box number (if applicable) in the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s address to this field. Two additional labels in cells A5 and A6 are reserved for the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” as called for by the labels presented. Naturally, it will be in everyone’s best interest if the Buyer can contact the Vehicle Seller or Dealership directly regarding the payment and the invoice. Therefore, follow the labels in cell A7 and A8 to document the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” line.

Step 3- Dispatch The Downpayment’s Filing Information

Continue to the upper right of the spreadsheet to the bar containing the field title “Receipt #.” The cell below this title (cell F3) must contain the payment identification number assigned to the Client at the time funds were received (or shortly) after. Generally speaking, the receipt number of payment can only be assigned when the payment is submitted and should remain a distinct document number in the Vehicle Seller or Dealership’s bookkeeping system. The “Date” title (also in the discussed bar) calls attention to cell H3 where the day the Vehicle Seller or Dealership received the downpayment must be documented as a month, day, and year.

Step 4 – Assign This Paperwork To A Specific Account

It will be important to make sure that the receipt number recorded above is attached to the Payer. That is, the Party who has submitted the downpayment must receive the credit for this action. Accomplish this by reporting the “Name” of the Downpayment’s Supplier in cell A11. The complete address of the Downpayment Supplier, the Client, is also expected in the “Buyer’s Information” section as three different records of information. Cell A12 (“Street Address”), A13 (“City, State, Country”), and A14 (“Zip Code”) present the labels. The Downpayment Supplier’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number are the last two items required by the “Buyer’s Information” section. Produce this material as the display for cell A15 and A16 (respectively).

Step 5 – Define The Vehicle The Downpayment Concerns

An area where the vehicle the Buyer hopes to attain has been included so that it may be described. The information you produce in the “Vehicle Information” portion of column F must be an accurate description of the vehicle that required the downpayment. If any sales agreement is in effect, then this material must be an accurate reflection of its contents. Locate cell F11 then produce the concerned vehicle’s “Year And Condition” in cell A11. Enter the “Make” of the vehicle in cell A12 then the “Model And Color” of the vehicle in cell A13.
The “License No.” on the vehicle should be documented in cell A14. Inspect the vehicle and its paperwork, then record its vehicle identification number in cell F15. Finally, complete this vehicle’s description with its “Odometer Reading.” Furnish this to cell A16.

Step 6 – Declare The Customer’s Remaining Obligation

The statement in cell A19 seeks the full price of the vehicle before the Customer’s downpayment was supplied. Enter this as the “Selling Price” in cell A19 by replacing the bracketed dollar sign preceding the word “Dollars” with this value.

Step 7 – Appropriately Document The Downpayment

Cell A21 of this sheet, starting with the phrase “This Receipt Is For…” will require two values to enable its application to this receipt. Locate the words “…Downpayment In The Amount Of” then type in the exact dollar amount received as the Downpayment as a replacement for the bracketed dollar sign that follows. The brackets containing the percent symbol should be replaced with the percentage the downpayment represents of the full price. For this task, divide the downpayment amount by the full price then move the decimal point to the left by the appropriate number of spaces.

Step 7 – Confirm The Downpayment Supplier’s Actions

Cell A23 will definitively name the Downpayment Supplier as the Party who has submitted the amount discussed earlier. Furnish the Downpayment Supplier’s “Name” to replace the first bracketed label in cell A23. Notice your entry will complete the term “…Was Paid By.”Read through the statement until the word “On.” The “Date” label here should be deleted then replaced with the month, day, and year the downpayment was received by the Vehicle Seller or Dealership.

Step 8 – Account For The Customer’s Status

Cell A25 allows a direct statement defining how much money has been paid so far for the vehicle and by whom. First, record the exact amount received as the downpayment in place of the dollar symbol in the brackets then confirm the Buyer’s identity by removing the “Name” label following “….Was Paid By” and inputting his or her full “Name” in place of this object. Finally, confirm the receipt “Date” by deleting the final set of brackets and typing it in directly after the word “On.”

Step 9 – Assign A Delivery Method To The Downpayment

Cell A27 begins the next section of concern. Here, as the title “Payment Method” indicates, a discussion on how the downpayment was supplied must be included. Achieve this by marking one of the checkboxes in the fields that follow. If more than one delivery method was used (i.e. the Customer may have paid partly online and partly by check) then you may mark the appropriate boxes. Cell A28 presents the first definition of payment as a credit card. Select the contained checkbox then copy the number on the credit card face directly to the space after “Credit Card No.” The next cell allowing a definition is cell A29. Choose the checkbox item displayed if the Customer submitted his or her downpayment with a check. Make sure to also record the downpayment’s ledger number as found on the check. In some cases, the downpayment may have been made directly. That is, with “Cash.” If so, then select cell F28. The final available option is in cell F29. The “Other” label will require that you mark its corresponding checkbox then define the delivery of the downpayment by reporting it after the label. This payment option should be chosen if the downpayment was not made with a credit card, check, or cash.

Step 10 – Acquire Authorization For The Downpayment

Notice an empty line is presented at the end of column A in cell A30. This object must be signed by the Party who has submitted the downpayment as an acknowledgment of the information on this receipt as well as authorization for the payment to be completed.