The French Digital Republic Act: the New Powers of the French Data Protection Authority and Enhanced Rights of Individuals

On October 7, the French Digital Republic Act (the “Act”) was adopted following a widely-publicized consultation process. The Act amends the French Data Protection Act, and also modifies French law in various domains, including consumer protection, electronic payment services, medical research, and intellectual property.

The Act constitutes a first step in the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which will apply in all EU Member States as from May 25, 2018. The Act in particular establishes (i) new powers for the French data protection authority (“DPA”), and (ii) new rights for individuals. Further modifications of the French Data Protection Act implementing the GDPR are forthcoming.

I. CNIL’s New Powers

1. Encryption and Anonymization

2. Sanctions

3. Cooperation with Other DPAs

II. New Rights for Individuals

1. Right of Self-Determination

2. Right of Access and Rectification

3. Right to be Forgotten

4. Data Portability

5. Notice Requirements

6. Rights of the Deceased